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Technische Universität München

About me

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Technical University of Munich in the group of Professor Antonia Wachter-Zeh where I will work on coding theory for DNA storage. Before, I obtained my PhD from the University of Zurich under the supervision of Professor Joachim Rosenthal while I was a full-time researcher at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in the Quantum-Resistant Cryptography Group of Dr. Hannes Bartz.

Coding theory represents the intersection of all my research interests which include (but are not limited to) probability theory, number theory, combinatorics, algebra and cryptography.


I am happy to share that just started my first Post-Doc position at the Technical University of Munich under the supervision of Professor Antonia Wachter-Zeh. I am looking forward to the new milestone and the exciting projects.

In April 2024, I successfully defended my PhD thesis entitled "Analysis and Decoding of Linear Lee-Metric Codes with Application to Code-Based Cryptography" at the University of Zurich. I am grateful for the opportunity I had and I thank my advisors Joachim Rosenthal, Hannes Bartz and Gianluigi Liva for guiding me through this adventure! Watch me wearing my beautifully made doctoral hat!!

Most recently, together with Hugo Sauerbier Couvée and Thomas Jerkovits we submitted a work on bounds on the spheres in the sum-rank metric. Have a look here.

In Collaboration with Hannes Bartz, Gianluigi Liva and Joachim Rosenthal, I just published a preprint on LDPC codes over integer residue rings endowed with the Lee metric. We analyzed their decoding performance over two channel models and derived bounds based on their average weight enumerator.


Journal Papers

  1. Jessica Bariffi, Sam Mattheus, Alessandro Neri, Joachim Rosenthal. Moderate Density Parity-Check Codes from Projective Bundles. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2022.

Conference Proceedings and Chapters

  1. Hugo Sauerbier Couvée, Thomas Jerkovits, Jessica Bariffi. Bounds on Sphere Sizes in the Sum-rank Metric and Coordinate-additive Metrics. Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC), June 2024. arXiv.
  2. Jessica Bariffi, Karan Khathuria, Violetta Weger. Information Set Decoding for Lee-Metric Codes using Restricted Balls. Code-Based Cryptography 10th International Workshop, CBCrypto 2022, Revised Selected Papers, 2022. arXiv.
  3. Jessica Bariffi, Hannes Bartz, Gianluigi Liva, Joachim Rosenthal. Analysis of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes over Finite Integer Rings for the Lee Channel. IEEE Globecom, 2022. arXiv.
  4. Jessica Bariffi, Hannes Bartz, Gianluigi Liva, Joachim Rosenthal. On the Properties of Error Patterns in the Constant Lee Weight Channel. International Zurich Seminar on Information and Communication, 2022. arXiv


  1. Jessica Bariffi, Hannes Bartz, Gianluigi Liva, Joachim Rosenthal. Error-Correction Performance of Regular Ring-Linear LDPC Codes over Lee Channels. (Submitted) arXiv.
  2. Jessica Bariffi, Violetta Weger. Better Bounds on the Minimal Lee Distance. (Submitted) arXiv.


    Talks indicated with an asterisk are invited talks.

  1. MacWilliams-type Identities for the Lee and Homogeneous Metric. Doctoral Seminar, July 2024, Technical University of Muncih (Germany).
  2. The Esistence of MacWilliams-Type Identities for the Lee, Homogeneous and Subfield Metric. Combinatorics 2024, June 2024, Carovigno (Italy). [Slides]
  3. * Analysis and Decoding of Linear Lee-Metric Codes with Application to Code-Based Cryptography. Neuchatel - St.Gallen - Zurich Seminar in Coding Theory and Cryptography, University of Zurich, April 2024, Zurich (Switzerland).
  4. Bounds on the Minimum Lee Distance. Institute colloquium, German Aerospace Center, October 2023, Munich (Germany). [Slides]
  5. *Constructing Moderate-Density Parity-Check Codes from Projective Bundles. SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry, July 2023, Eindhoven (The Netherlands). [Slides]
  6. The Geometry and Error Probability of the Lee Channel. Workshop on Combinatorics in Digital Communications, April 2023, Eindhoven (The Netherlands). [Slides]
  7. Analysis of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes over Finite Integer Rings for the Lee Channel. IEEE Global Communications Conference, December 2022, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). [Slides]
  8. What is Lattice-Based Cryptography?. PhD Seminar, German Aerospace Center, September 2022, Munich (Germany). [Slides]
  9. The Marginal Distribution of the Lee Channel and its Applications. Coding theory and cryptography - A conference in honor of Joachim Rosenthal’s 60th birthday, July 2022, Zurich (Switzerland). [Slides]
  10. Information Set Decoding in the Lee Metric. Institute colloquium, German Aerospace Center, July 2022, Munich (Germany). [Slides]
  11. Information Set Decoding for Lee-Metric Codes using Restricted Spheres. CBCrypto (affiliated event of EuroCrypt 2022), May 2022, Trondheim (Norway). [Slides]
  12. *Analysis and Properties of Error Patterns in the Lee Channel. Baby Seminar, Eindhoven University of Technology, October 2021 [Slides]
  13. *Channel Coding in the Lee Metric. Postgraduate International Coding Theory Seminar (PICS), September 2021 (virtual). [Slides]
  14. On the Scalar Multiplication Problem in the Lee Metric. PhD Seminar, German Aerospace Center, June 2021, Munich (Germany).
  15. Decoding Performance of LDPC Codes over the Lee Channel. Institute colloquium, German Aerospace Center, July 2022, Munich (Germany). [Slides]
  16. Analysis of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes over Finite Integer Rings for the Lee Channel. Algebraic Coding Theory e-Summer School (ACT21), June 2021 (virtual). [Slides]
  17. A Finite Geometry Construction for MDPC-Codes. Swiss Seminar, University of Zurich, March 2020, Zurich (Switzerland) [Slides]


Institute for Communications Engineering
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Technical University of Munich
Munich, Germany
