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Women in Math

Corinna Ulcigrai

Women in Mathematics

I would love to see more women among my colleagues. More and more young women are pursueing and succeeding in a mathematical career, but still too many give up too early despite their talent. We, as a community, are loosing so much unexploited talent and opportunities. I experienced in first person some of the difficulties that women encounter in their career paths, from lack of self-confidence and encouragement, to the challenges of maternity and the diffcult balance between reserach, committmens and family life. I was greatly inspired, during all stages of my mathematical path, by the examples of so many inspiring women, who were at the same time great matheamticians as well as wonderful persons and acted as role models to me. To give at least a little bit in return, I try as much as possible to encourage and support younger colleagues. Here below you will find some examples of activities I have engaged to. I plan to add in the future some ideas of what we can all do to support women mathematicians as well as links to organizations and data.

Selected ongoing activities:

Past events and activities: