Jonguk Yang
Contact Info
- 2022 – Present: Postdoc at University of Zurich.
- In the research group of Corinna Ulcigrai.
- 2017 – 2022: Milnor lecturer at the Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Stony Brook University.
- 2018 – 2019: Visiting postdoc at the University of Michigan.
Research Interests
My research focuses on low-dimensional dynamical systems in both real and complex variables. I am particularly interested in classifying these systems based on their combinatorial structures, and analyzing their intrinsic geometric properties to prove rigidity results. I specialize in using the renormalization approach to tackle this problem.
- Mating the Basilica with a Siegel disk, Conformal Geometry and Dynamics, 19 (2015), 258 – 297.
- Renormalization in the in the Golden-Mean Semi-Siegel Hénon Family: Universality and Non-Rigidity, J. Yang, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 83 (2018), 1 – 45.
- The Boundaries of Golden-Mean Siegel Disks in the Complex Quadratic Hénon Family Are Not Smooth (joint work with M. Yampolsky), New Trends in One-Dimensional Dynamics. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 285 (2019).
- Renormalization in the Golden-Mean Semi-Siegel Hénon Family: Non-Quasisymmetry, Arnold Math J. 6, (2020) 313 – 331.
- Structural Instability of Semi-Siegel Hénon Maps (joint work with M. Yampolsky), Advances in Mathematics, 389 (2021).