- Guido Grützner
Beispiele von Metriken negativer Krümmung auf Enden
Freiburg 1993 - Christoph Hummel
Closing Complex Hyperbolic Cusps and Applications
Zürich 1996 - Michel Walz
Invariant Subsets of the Geodesic Flow on Negatively Curved Manifolds
Zürich 1998 - Stephanie Gloor
Über Tangentialkegel von Alexandrowräumen mit nach unten beschränkter Krümmung
Zürich 1998 - Marta Lucia Cadavid
Almost-Convexity and Applications to Lattices and Cores
Zürich 1998 - Toni Kotnik
Zur Geometrie des asymptotischen Kegels von nichtpositiv gekrümmten Räumen
Zürich 1999 - Thomas Foertsch
Euclidean Rank and Hyperbolic rank of Hadamard Manifolds
Zürich 2002 - Bert Reinold
Vectors of Higher Rank on a Hadamard Manifold with Compact Quotient
Zürich 2003 - Michael Scherrer
Ends of 3-Manifolds of Negative Curvature
Zürich 2003 - Deborah Ruoss
Kurze Homotopien in hyperbolischen Räumen
Zürich 2005 - Alina Rull
Embedding of right-angled Artin and Coxeter groups into products of trees
Zürich 2008 - Johannes Meyer
Uniformly perfect boundaries of Gromov hyperbolic spaces
Zürich 2009 - Julian Jordi
Extension Theorems for Boundary Maps in Gromov Hyperbolic Spaces
Zürich 2010 - Anna Mätzener
Measuring geodesics' aperiodicity
Zürich 2011 - Steffen Weil
Badly approximable elements in Diophantine Approximation
Zürich 2013 - Renlong Miao
Hyperbolic Spaces and Ptolemy Moebius Structures
Zürich 2014 - Jonas Beyrer
Cross Ratios and Isometries in Non-Positive Curvature
Zürich 2018