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Personal Data

* 3.12.1955 in Düren, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany



  • 1962 - 1966
    Katholische Volksschule, Birkesdorf

  • 1966 - 1974
    Stiftisches Gymnasium, Düren
    Abitur on 2.7.1974

  • 1974 - 1975
    Military Service

  • 1.10.1975 - 31.3.1977
    Studies of Mathematics and Philosophy, Universität Bonn
    Intermedia Diploma in December 1977

  • 1.4.1977 - 30.9.1980
    Studies of Mathematics and Mathematical Logic, Universität Münster
    Diploma on 1.10.1980, under the guidance of Prof. W. Meyer

Scientific Career

