plot.sparse {KriSp}R Documentation

Diagnostic and summary plots of the Krig.sparse object


Plots a series of two diagnostic plots that summarize the fit from Krig.sparse.


plot.sparse(x, main=NA, which=c(TRUE,TRUE), graphics.reset=TRUE,


x an object of class sparse, typically the result of a call to Krig.sparse or Krig.simple.sparse.
main Title of the plot. Default is the function call.
graphics.reset Reset to original graphics parameters after plotting. Default is TRUE.
which A vector of 2 logical values. Controls which of the two graphs to plot.
... Optional graphics arguments to pass to each plot.


This function creates two summary plots of the sparse object. The default is to put these in a 1 times 2 panel. However, if the screen is already divided in some other fashion the plots will just be added according to that scheme. This option is useful to compare to compare several different model fits.

The first is a scatterplot of predicted value against observed.

The second plot is a histogram of the residuals.

See Also

Krig.sparse, summary.sparse and plot.Krig from the fields library.


obj <- Krig.sparse(x, Y)
fit <- predict(obj)  
# fitting a surface to ozone measurements 

[Package KriSp version 0.4 Index]