covariance {KriSp}R Documentation

Theoretical Distance Based Covariance Functions


Computes theoretical covariance function at supplied distance values. Models include exponential, spherical, Matern and compactly supported covariances.


spher.cov(distance, range, sill=1, nugget=0, eps=1.0e-7,...)
expo.cov(distance, range, sill=1, nugget=0, effect=FALSE, eps=1.0e-7,...)
mater.cov(distance, smooth, range, sill=1, nugget=0, eps=1.0e-7,...)
tri.cov(distance, range, sill=1, nugget=0, eps=1.0e-7,...)
Wu1.cov(distance, range, sill=1, nugget=0, eps=1.0e-7,...)
Wu2.cov(distance, range, sill=1, nugget=0, eps=1.0e-7,...)
Wu3.cov(distance, range, sill=1, nugget=0, eps=1.0e-7,...)
tophat(distance, range, sill=1,...)


distance a vector/matrix of distances to compute the covariance for.
range the range value.
smooth smoothness of the Matern covariance.
sill the partial sill value. The absolute sill (the variance or equivalently the covariance at distance zero) is sill + nugget.
nugget the nugget effect.
effect if TRUE, range is the practial range
eps any distance less than it will be set to nugget + sill.
... see below.


The tophat is NOT an actual covariance function. It is included for illustration purposes only.

The triangular, spherical and the Wu type functions are compactly supported covariance functions, vanishing beyond the range. The triangular and the first Wu type are not valid in two dimensions and up.


a vector/matrix of covariance values at the supplied distances.


To all the covariance functions the ... argument is added to ensure compatibility between different types of covariance functions. Although this would not be necessary, it simplifies internal coding and usage considerably.

There is a difference between exp.cov and expo.cov, as well as matern.cov and mater.cov functions in fields and KriSp.


distance <- seq(0,2,length=150)
plot( distance, mater.cov(distance,smooth=1,range=.4,sill=.8,nugget=.2))

[Package KriSp version 0.4 Index]