KriSp {KriSp}R Documentation

Tools for interpolating large data sets


KriSp is a collection of functions for interpolationg large spatial datasets with covariance tapering.


There are also generic functions that support these methods such as

plot - diagnostic plots of fit
summary - statistical summary of fit
print - shorter version of summary
surface - graphical display of fitted surface
predict - evaluation fit at arbitrary points

To get started, try some of the examples from help files for KriSp. See also the manual/tutorial at

The theoretical background can be found in the paper:

Furrer, R., Genton, M. G., and Nychka, D. (2006). Covariance Tapering for Interpolation of Large Spatial Datasets. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 15(3), 502–523.

The structure of the functions Krig in fields has changed drastically between versions 2.x and 3.x. To keep sample source code simple, we wrote a function that works like in versions 2.x but has the required functionality for higher versions.

The next major version of fields (version>3.2) will contain a sparse matrix module and extends the capacities of KriSp. Therefore, KriSp will no longer be significantly extended and future releases will most likely consist of bug fixes only.



This is software for statistical research and not for commercial uses. The authors do not guarantee the correctness of any function or program in this package. Any changes to the software should not be made without the authors permission.

[Package KriSp version 0.4 Index]