Bohr's correspondence principle for the renormalized Nelson model


SIAM J. Math. Anal. 49(6), 5031-5095 (2017)

The article is available at SIAM Library (under subscritpion).

arXiv 1602.03212

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In the mid Sixties Edward Nelson proved the existence of a consistent quantum field theory that describes the Yukawa-like interaction of a non-relativistic nucleon field with a relativistic meson field. Since then it is thought, despite the renormalization procedure involved in the construction, that the quantum dynamics should be governed in the classical limit by a Schroedinger-Klein-Gordon system with Yukawa coupling. In the present paper we prove this fact in the form of a Bohr correspondence principle. Besides, our result enlighten the nature of the renormalization method employed in this model which we interpret as a strategy that allows to put the related classical Hamiltonian PDE in a normal form suitable for a canonical quantization.