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Quasi-Fuchsian flows and the coupled vortex equations (with Gabriel P. Paternain)
preprint (2025)
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Magnetic Steklov problem on surfaces (with Anna Siffert)
preprint (2024)
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Semiclassical Analysis on Principal Bundles: Theory and Applications (Monograph) (with Thibault Lefeuvre)
preprint (2024)
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Calderón problem for systems via complex parallel transport
preprint (2023)
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Correspondence between Pestov and Weitzenböck identities (with Thibault Lefeuvre, Andrei Moroianu, and Uwe Semmelmann)
preprint (2023)
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Stability estimates for the Holonomy Inverse Problem (with Thibault Lefeuvre)
accepted in Communications in Partial Differential Equations (2024)
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On the ergodicity of unitary frame flows on Kähler manifolds (with Thibault Lefeuvre, Andrei Moroianu, and Uwe Semmelmann)
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 44 (2024), no. 8, 2143-2172.
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Resonant forms at zero for dissipative Anosov flows (with Gabriel P. Paternain)
accepted in Geometry and Topology (2025)
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Isospectral connections, ergodicity of frame flows, and polynomial maps between spheres (with Thibault Lefeuvre)
accepted in Annales scientifiques de l'École normale supérieure (2023)
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Towards Brin's conjecture on frame flow ergodicity: new progress and perspectives (with Thibault Lefeuvre, Andrei Moroianu, and Uwe Semmelmann)
Mathematics Research Reports 3 (2022), 21-34.
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Local Lens Rigidity for manifolds of Anosov type (with Colin Guillarmou and Thibault Lefeuvre)
Anal. PDE 17 (2024), no. 8, 2737-2795.
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On the ergodicity of the frame flow on even-dimensional manifolds (with Thibault Lefeuvre, Andrei Moroianu, and Uwe Semmelmann)
accepted in Inventiones Mathematicae (2024).
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Generic injectivity of the X-ray transform (with Thibault Lefeuvre)
accepted in Journal of Differential Geometry (2024).
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The Holonomy Inverse Problem (with Thibault Lefeuvre)
accepted in Journal of European Mathematical Society (2022).
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First band of Ruelle resonances for contact Anosov flows in dimension 3 (with Colin Guillarmou)
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 386(2) (2022), 1289-1318.
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The Ruelle zeta function at zero for nearly hyperbolic 3-manifolds (with Semyon Dyatlov, Benjamin Delarue, and Gabriel P. Paternain)
Inventiones Mathematicae 229 (2022), 303--394.
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Generic dynamical properties of connections on vector bundles (with Thibault Lefeuvre)
International Mathematics Research Notices (2021), rnab069.
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Resonant spaces for volume preserving Anosov flows (with Gabriel P. Paternain)
Pure and Applied Analysis 2-4 (2020), 795--840.
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Polyhedral billiards, eigenfunction concentration and almost periodic control (with Bogdan Georgiev and Mayukh Mukherjee)
Commun. Math. Phys. 377 (2020), 2451-2487.
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The Calderón problem for the fractional Schrödinger equation with drift (with Yi-Hsuan Lin and Angkana Rüland)
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 59 (2020), no. 3, Paper No. 91, 46 pp.
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Harmonic determinants and unique continuation
preprint (2018), arXiv:1803.09182 (Unpublished Note).
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Calderón problem for Yang-Mills connections
J. Spectr. Theory 10 (2020), 463-513.
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Calderón problem for connections
Comm. Partial Differential Equations 42 (2017), no. 11, 1781-1836.
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